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Ancestral Medicine: With Keiate of Lemuria Rising

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

Whoever you are right now and whatever land you currently reside on, you are carrying the history of your ancestral lineage. Our ancestors are very much stored within us, within our DNA, which also means our healing is embedded in there too. We have the ability to access their wisdom as well as their suffering, which inherently is our wisdom and our suffering. Working with ancestral medicine gives us the power to reconstruct intergenerational wounds into blessings.

I have connected with a sister of mine Sida Davies, (Keiate Heka of Lemuria Rising) to have a brief discussion on her outlook of ancestral medicine. I think there are truly so many depths of this topic and I couldn’t think of anyone more beyond this realm to briefly tap into this with.

Lemuria Rising, Rhesida Davies
Lemurian High Priestess Rhesida Davies ~ Photographer: Christine De Blasio, Artwork: 'Viridis' by Stephanie Amaterstein

Their wisdom is inside of you and that’s where it begins. Your cells, your energy, your spirit - it’s all coded inside of you. (Keiate Heka)


Q: You are beyond words of a woman with so many layers. I am constantly in awe of you and your work. I feel you are of ancient presence with such a profound story, that perhaps many women here can feel some resonance with. Would you be open to sharing an insight into your journey of working with spirits, when you felt called, and how your name Lemuria Rising came to be.

A: Of course! I was born with the ability to see and experience existence outside of the “veil” or “matrix”. For me it was normal until I was told it wasn’t. I lived in a type of merged reality where dream states, astral travel, communicating with spirits and energies all rolled into one stream of lived experienced. It wasn’t until I got to around 7 years old and had interactions with more kids my age that I started to think of my experiences as “abnormal” I started sharing with my mother (who also has these same abilities but was very deep into Christianity at the time). She did her best to help me but her approach turned my feelings to fear. The church got involved, took away my books, music and art and I became very fearful and withdrawn. I shut down all my gifts and connections. I willed it away out of fear.

The next two decades of my life were tough. I experienced abuse of all kinds, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, rape & homelessness. I also had 4 children and 3 failed relationships. At 29 I was living with family with my four children after leaving my partner. When I got my own place I sunk into a deep depression. I had no will to live and was so disengaged from my life and from myself. One morning I woke up and it was like someone had flipped a switch on. I could communicate with spirit again and wow was it overwhelming! I was being told and shown all of these things I had absolutely no understanding of but the strongest message was brought to me by a feminine energy named Oshun and she told me I was “Of the Water” and here to assist others to find their light in the darkness. I was divinely guided to a healer, mentor teacher & friend who really shifted my perspective. I said to him - I think I’m going crazy! And he said “what’s happening to you is really beautiful” and so that was my call to action and journey into my healing, learning, sharing and teaching.

The name Lemuria Rising was given to me by spirit. Lemuria or Mu is a land that existed long ago on this planet. I lived and served there as a High Priestess. Lemuria was a place of great spiritual knowledge, peace, unity and wisdom held and woven together by divine feminine energy. There is so much to the story of Lemuria and I invite anyone reading this to do their research and learn about Mu. My service is under the name Lemuria Rising because that is what we are seeing. Lemuria and everything it stands for and embodies is rising and bringing balance back to the planet. The first time I travelled there I was also gifted with my original Lemurian name Keiate Heka which means The All (Keiate) & Medicine/Magick (Heka). I’m so incredibly blessed and deeply honoured to carry the codes, wisdom and spiritual technology of this land.

Q: What is your ultimate source of medicine?

A: My ultimate source of medicine is my own divine essence - coming back completely to myself, in my space at home with my altars open and sharing energy & love with my ancestors & spirit family. Where all aspects of me are called together and in resonance.

Q: Can you share your knowledge of your ancestral lineage?

A: My Ancestral lineage comes from so many places, as all of ours do! From blood to soul to star lineage. My strongest calling has been through my soul and star lines, those being Sirius - the planets/dimensions of Po Tolo and Emme Ya Tolo specifically, along with The Arcturus constellation. When you can start with your star lineage you can link into your soul lineage.

By working with my Sirian and Lemurian selves and family I was lead on a clear journey & brought to a greater and deeper relationship with the spirits & the birth places of the Ancestors, Deities & energies that already new me before I incarnated here - those that I was destined to work with.

Q: I know that for me when it comes to working with my ancestors, it has been important to also have and truely feel connection to certain plants. You have also opened me up to working with new plant medicine, which I am deeply grateful for. Where did your journey with plant medicine begin?

A: It only began last year surprisingly. I had a huge fear of any psychoactive or psychedelic plants because of how sensitive I already was. Part of me new I’d be asking for trouble dipping my toe in with the headspace I was living in at the time.

After I’d had my awakening and had done a lot of healing and grounding I was told to work with Sacred Blue Lily of the Nile by my higher self. It was absolutely amazing what happened working with that ally, I was shown my connection to Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and the life I had there - down to my service there as a Priestess and the stones and symbols I was to acquire and work with. I knew nothing of these things I was being shown and had to google to confirm. I was blown away. Since then I’ve worked with many plant teachers that have just healed and transformed me beyond words. I’m so very grateful to my plant teachers and allies.

Sometimes I’ll just be told or shown the name, other times I’ll astral travel to one of my star homes and be given the images of the plant, method of preparation and dosage. Sometimes the actual plant will speak to me as I’m passing it or a guide will recommend one for an issue I’m having and other times the actual spirit of the plant will visit me in my space and tell me it’s coming to me and then just arrive in my hands in the most magical way.

I always go and do my own research after this to make sure what I’m being told and undertaking is safe and correct - which not surprisingly, it always has been. I’m a big believer that the plant teachers will call you or come to you when it’s time.

Q: I feel connected to an array of ancestors that aren't in my direct bloodline. Do you feel there is a difference between our ancestors of blood and ancestors that stem from the heart or our inner knowing?

A: There is a difference but I don’t believe that just because you’re born into a particular bloodline/family that you have to or are supposed to follow that religion or spiritual system. We have suffered so much disconnection, distortion & whitewashing that it’s really wading through muddied waters out there.

You are a multidimensional being with so many aspects and past/concurrent lives. Your journey to know yourself will take you on many paths. There is so much to learn and so many ways to do it. I personally believe working with those ancestors that are well, healed and loving to be the best and safest way to undertake that journey. You will know who and where they are by the love and resonance you feel for them and from them or that spiritual path.

This does not negate ancestral healing though. Everyone must explore their own ancestors through their bloodline and examine the history of their people - good, bad and ugly. This takes real accountability, awareness, ownership, healing and integration. That is the most important part of ancestral work and planetary healing.

Q: Can you share any ways to connect with ancestors and access the wisdom they have held for us?

A: Start with your own healing. Finding your peace and happiness. This may mean linking in with healers, teachers, therapists etc. and it can get really gritty & confronting.

To have a relationship with wise and loving ancestors you must become that energy yourself. You don’t have to be all the way there of course because we’ll always be continually growing, but to have begun that inner reflection and be on the path of healing is a must.

Their wisdom is inside of you and that’s where it begins. Your cells, your energy, your spirit - it’s all coded inside of you. To access this clearly we have to clear out false programs and ideas of ourselves and the world around us so we can have a clear and balanced relationship with those that came before us and brought us to where we are. Then you can begin to commune with those energies and aspects more outside of yourself. That is when the true wisdom flows.

Then just begin by asking them to become more present in your life. There are methods and practices to really strengthen this but I suggest seeking out a human guide/teacher to assist with that as it takes discernment & experience.

Q: Do you have any advice for any sisters and brothers who are developing their intuition? How can they gain confirmation from the spirit world that they are really receiving a message from their spirit guides and not just their projections?

A: Trust. Trusting yourself. The Universe. The Creator. And again - a human teacher/guide. They have exercises and techniques that will assist you and take you to the level that you’re ready for.

One simple exercise is to ask that a healed, well and loving ancestor send you a sign. Either they will let you know what the sign will be or you can request a specific one. Just let it come to you without judgement. It can be anything - like an item in a specific colour etc (for example a pink rose). Once you’ve done put it out there, let it go and allow it to come in its own time and way. You’ll be beautifully surprised!

Q: Lastly, what work do you offer and how can people get in touch with you?

A: There is really no limit to what I can help people to access on their healing and reconnection journey. There’s a vast array of tools, methods and modalities that can facilitate spiritual, physical, emotional and mental healing and wholeness.

Some examples are -

Energy healing

Drum journeys

Plant medicine healing


Ancestor connection

Intuitive massage

Cord cutting

Pathway clearing

Curse removal

Ceremonies & Circles

Spiritual mentorship (path of the priest/priestess)

I can be contacted via Instagram at Lemuria Rising or email



Mama Ayja's House acknowledges, recognises and respects the Ancestors, Elders and families of the Wurundjeri of the Kulin nation who are the traditional owners of this land. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first people of Australia.

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